Brushwood Junior School.
Brushwood Road
United Kingdom
Telephone  01494 786023
Facsimile    01494 793114

OFSTED, January 2003,
"...Their good behaviour and very good attitudes to learning show the benefit of the high quality of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision... "


Click here for the 2003-2004 Prospectus in Microsoft Word Document format.


At Brushwood we endeavour to provide a well-ordered and stimulating environment in which learning can flourish so that your child has the maximum opportunity to succeed to the best of his or her ability. Brushwood is a 'CAN DO' school, finding routes to success for the whole community.

We aim to:

  • Provide a broad, balanced curriculum, which will enable children to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to their age and ability as well as being relevant to their future in a rapidly changing world.
  • Be at the heart of the community.
  • Provide a safe environment.
  • Help children develop enquiring minds, imagination and the ability to question rationally.
  • To enable children to use language and number effectively.
  • Help children develop respect for other religions and moral values and tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life.
  • Help children understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  • Help children appreciate past and present human achievements and aspirations.
  • Help children develop self-confidence so that they can achieve personal fulfillment at each stage of their development.


    The one rule for all of us in school is everyone will act with courtesy and consideration for others at all times.

    This means that:

  • You will always try to understand other poeple's point of view.
  • School begins promptly at 9.00 a.m. You should always arrive at School on time at between 8.40 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. If you do arrive late, then you must register with Mrs Stott in the School Office.
  • You should come to school smartly dressed in school uniform. You should always wear correct Brushwood PE and Games kit. Stud earrings and watches are the only jewellery which may be worn in school.
  • If there is any reason why you cannot do PE/Games or go swimming, you must bring a note from home or from a doctor.
  • If you are absent from school for any reason, you must bring a note the day you return to explain why.
  • Bullying - that is hurting others by hitting or threatening to hit them or calling them names - will not be tolerated at our school.
  • Bad language will not be tolerated.
  • In class you make it as easy as possible for everyone to learn and for the teacher to teach. This means arriving on time with everything that is needed for that lesson, beginning and ending the lesson in a courteous and orderly way, listening carefully, following instructions, helping each other when appropriate and being quiet and sensible at all times.
  • You move gently and quietly about school. This means never running, barging or shouting, but being ready to help by opening doors, standing back to allow people to pass and helping to carry things.
  • You should always speak politely to everyone [even if you feel bad tempered] and use a low voice. [Shouting is discourteous.]
  • You are silent whenever you are required to be.
  • You keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place we can all be proud of. [This means putting litter in bins, keeping walls and furniture unmarked and taking great care of the displays, particularly of other people's work.]
  • You should not bring valuables to school. Money brought to school for specific purposes must be placed in a named envelope and left in the dedicated box outside the school office.
  • You must take great care of your own and other people's property. Other children's belongings must not be touched unless permission has been given.
  • You are not allowed to bring sweets into school.
  • Out of school, walking locally or with a group, you always remember that the school's reputation depends on the way you behave.
  • GOVERNING BODY 2005-2006

    School Governors make up the largest voluntary organisationin the U.K. We work in partnership with School, Parents, the local community and the Local Education Authority.
    One-third of the governing body are parents of children in Brushwood, which allows a parents perspective to be well represented in the decisions that the governors make. At Brushwood our governing body is very active in supporting the Headteacher and Staff, whilst fulfilling our responsibility of holding the school to account. We ensure that government legislation is adhered to, but place a high value on Brushwood as an individual school with it's own identity. We hold an annual meeting to parents where they have an opportunity to hear what the governors have done on their behalf over that year and what it is looking to do in the next. Governors hold formal meetings at a minimum of once per term. These are Minuted and copies of the minutes are available on request from the school office.

    Mrs B Young - Chairperson
    Mr I Scoones - Vice Chairman

    Parent Governors                                                                             LEA Appointed
    Mr B Watts                                                                        Governors
    Mr G Oliver                                                                         Mr J wyman
    Mrs C Rawlins                                                                      Mrs E Bamford
    Mrs S Cady
                                                                                           Staff Governors
    Partnership Governors                                                       Mr R Plimsaul
    Mr D Cunnington                                                                  Mrs L Stott
                                                                                            Mrs P Rea
    Community Governor
    Rev. J Shepherd

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