Go back!             BRUSHWOOD JUNIOR SCHOOL
                               "Progress with Pride"

Headteacher                                                   Brushwood Junior School
Mr R G Plimsaul B.Ed. Hons. NPHQ                 Brushwood Road
Telephone 01494 786023                                 HP5 3DW
Facsimile 01494 793114
Email office@brushwood-jun.bucks.sch.uk
Website www.brushwoodjunior.ik.org

                                                                      11th September 2006

Dear Parents,

Please find attached a table detailing the key dates arranged so far for this
term. We will issue another grid for next term in due course, but we will
notify other dates for this term to you in due course.

We have also compiled a list of term and other key dates to July 2007.
Again, we will of course let you know other dates as and when they arise.

We hope you find this useful.

Yours sincerely

(hand signed)

Mr R G Plimsaul

Head Teacher

Key Dates.

Key Dates Table.