Brushwood Junior School.
Brushwood Road
United Kingdom
Telephone  01494 786023
Facsimile    01494 793114

Events for 2K7...

TERM DATES for 2006 - 2007

                             Open on the morning of:      Close at the end of
                                                                          the afternoon session on:

AUTUMN TERM      Wed 6th September              Friday 20th October
2006                     Monday 30th October           Wed 20th December

SPRING TERM       Thursday 4th January           Thursday 8th February
2007                    Monday 19th February          Friday 30th March

SUMMER TERM     Monday 16th April                 Friday 25th May
2007                    Tuesday 5th June                  Friday 20th July

The School will be closed for Staff Training on the Monday the 4th and Tuesday the 5th September 2006, Wednesday the 3rd of January, Friday the 9th of February and Monday the 4th of June, 2007. The school will also be closed on Monday the 7th of May 2007 for the 2007 May Day Bank Holiday.

School re-opens
Optional SATs week
School Closes
School re-opens
Parents Evening
Parents Evening
School Closes
School Closed
School Photographs
Year 6 SATs
Year 6 Winmarleigh Hall
School Closes
School re-opens
Open Day
Meet the New teachers Day
Sports Day
Alternative Sports Day
Upper School Production
Upper School Production
Leavers Assembly
School Closes

Thursday 4th January 2007
Monday 29th January - Friday 2nd February 2007
Thursday 8th February 2007
monday 19th February 2007
Tueday 6th March 2007
Thursday 8th March 2007
Friday 30th March 2007
Monday 16th April 2007
Monday 7th May 2007 for the Bank Holiday
Wednesday 9th May 2007
Monday 14th May - Friday 25th May 2007
Friday 25th May 2007
Tuesday 5th June 2007
Thursday 7th June 2007
Tuesday 3rd July 2007
Thursday 5th July 2007
Friday 6th July 2007
Tuesday 10th July 2007 [afternoon]
Wednesday 11th July 2007 [evening]
Friday 20th July 2007
Friday 20th July 2007 2.30pm

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