Brushwood Junior School.
Brushwood Road
United Kingdom
Telephone  01494 786023
Facsimile    01494 793114

Please note that photographs used in this tour are courtesy of PSI and Brushwood Junior School and copyright there-of.

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Take a photographic tour of...
...the school and its environs.

Panned view

The Path

Approaching Reception

The Flagpole

A view of The Conifer bathed in the evening sunshine.

The Playground

Outside the Main Entrance

Inside the front entrance

The Rain Shelter

Brushwood Junior School Sign all lit up...

The Shelter

A white day in March 2005

Another white day in March

The Rock Garden

The Grounds

Lower grounds

Lower Grounds and classes

No Trespassing!

A serious message from the children

Exit onto Brushwood Road

A Brushwood Sunset, 20th of December 2004

The Buckinghamshire Countryside on a Sunny Day.

A beautiful blue view of Buckinghamshire.

The Fields to the North.

High Tension Cables run through the Fields...

Start of High Tension Power Cables

"...and then, the cows tried to jump over the moon!"

The Cameron Road Allotments

From the hill opposite...

GIF image flags courtesy of