Go back!             BRUSHWOOD JUNIOR SCHOOL
                                                  "Progress with Pride"

Headteacher                                                   Brushwood Junior School
Mr R G Plimsaul B.Ed. Hons. NPHQ                 Brushwood Road
Telephone 01494 786023                                 HP5 3DW
Facsimile 01494 793114
Email office@brushwood-jun.bucks.sch.uk

Website www.brushwoodjunior.ik.org

                                                                                                      24 January 2006

Dear Parents,

As you will be aware we have been agreeing targets with your child for the
term ahead. we have reviewed with your child their previous targets and
against that the progress that they have made. We are encouraged not
only by the success we see as teachers but also by the feedback from
the children.

We recognise that this is a partnership and we would therefore appreciate
your views regarding the target setting activities started this year. I would
ask you to complete and return the short questionnaire below to help us
develop and improve the process still further.

The questionnaire asks for your child's name so that we can discuss any
points that arise. However, if you prefer to leave this blank we

Yours Sincerely,

(hand signed)

Mr R G Plimsaul

Head Teacher