Go back!             BRUSHWOOD JUNIOR SCHOOL
                                                  "Progress with Pride"

Headteacher                                                   Brushwood Junior School
Mr R G Plimsaul B.Ed. Hons. NPHQ                 Brushwood Road
Telephone 01494 786023                                 HP5 3DW
Facsimile 01494 793114
Email office@brushwood-jun.bucks.sch.uk
Website www.brushwoodjunior.ik.org

                                                                                                      9 February 2006

Dear Parents,

Over recent weeks there have been an increasing number of playground incidents
where children have taken the issue home rather than using the adult support
available at that time.

At Brushwood we take each situation seriously and encourage children to take
control for themselves by reporting a difficulty immediately. The '5 finger friends'
and other strategies are a practical response that reassures the child they can deal with
issues themselves and build self esteem when they do. This builds independence in
your child and helps staff to monitor and resolve any problems immediately.

It will help the school [and more importantly your child] if you can support us by
reinforcing the message of seeking help from the adults at school immediately.

Thank you for your continued support in this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

(hand signed)

Mr R G Plimsaul
