Brushwood Junior School.
Brushwood Road
United Kingdom
Telephone  01494 786023
Facsimile    01494 793114

The Parent Teachers Association.
The Governing Body.


The school has a flourishing Parent Teacher Association which is a most valuable asset to our school. All parents are automatically members of the Association whose principal aim is to develop strong home-school links enabling parents to become actively involved in the school. The annually-elected committee organises a variety of functions throughout the year, many of which provide funds for extra facilities for the school. In addition, social events are held, as are meetings on matters of educational interest.

Mr. Ray Plimsaul - President

Mrs. J. Warren                                                                   Mr. G. Eades
Mrs. M. Taylor                                                                   Mr. J. Wyman
Mrs. J. Oliver                                                                     Mrs. A. Taylor
Mrs. J. Ryan                                                                      Mrs. L. Bryan
Mrs. E. Brookes

Current fund-raiser appeals:
See the Announcements Page...


School Governors make up the largest voluntary organisationin the U.K. We work in partnership with School, Parents, the local community and the Local Education Authority.
One-third of the governing body are parents of children in Brushwood, which allows a parents perspective to be well represented in the decisions that the governors make. At Brushwood our governing body is very active in supporting the Headteacher and Staff, whilst fulfilling our responsibility of holding the school to account. We ensure that government legislation is adhered to, but place a high value on Brushwood as an individual school with it's own identity. We hold an annual meeting to parents where they have an opportunity to hear what the governors have done on their behalf over that year and what it is looking to do in the next. Governors hold formal meetings at a minimum of once per term. These are Minuted and copies of the minutes are available on request from the school office.

Mrs B Young - Chairperson
Mr I Scoones - Vice Chairman

Parent Governors                                                                             LEA Appointed
Mr B Watts                                                                        Governors
Mr G Oliver                                                                         Mr J wyman
Mrs C Rawlins                                                                      Mrs E Bamford
Mrs S Cady
                                                                                       Staff Governors
Partnership Governors                                                       Mr R Plimsaul
Mr D Cunnington                                                                  Mrs L Stott
                                                                                        Mrs P Rea
Community Governor
Rev. J Shepherd

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