Go back!             BRUSHWOOD JUNIOR SCHOOL
                                        "Progress with Pride"

Headteacher                                                   Brushwood Junior School
Mr R G Plimsaul B.Ed. Hons. NPHQ                 Brushwood Road
Telephone 01494 786023                                 HP5 3DW
Facsimile 01494 793114
Email office@brushwood-jun.bucks.sch.uk

Website www.brushwoodjunior.ik.org

                                                                                        14th September 2006

Dear Parents,

In order to support your efforts in keeping your children safe, we are
offering 'Foot Steps' training for all the pupils at Brushwood.

We have volunteers who have been trained by Bucks County Council
experts and all volunteers have been CRB [Criminal records Bureau]

We would like to complete the training whether or not your child
participates in the Walk to School initiative, to improve the whole schools'
road safety awareness.

We hope you will allow your child to do the training, and if so please
complete and return the attached Consent Card.

Yours Sincerely,

(hand signed)

Mr R G Plimsaul

Head Teacher

Form not available online. Click here to Contact the School.