Brushwood Junior School.
Brushwood Road
United Kingdom
Telephone  01494 786023
Facsimile    01494 793114

STAFF LIST 2005-2006

Mr R G Plimsaul

Mr P J Sutton
Deputy Headteacher

Mrs L Stott
School Secretary

Mrs P Rea
School Administrator

Mrs S Stewart
Miss R Kumari
Miss E Dolman
Miss M Burgess-Wall
Mrs S Dilks
Mr R Stone
Teaching Staff

Mrs M Parry-Jones
Mrs J Wyman
Ms T Ferencz
Mrs W Reynolds
Mrs J Franks
Mrs C Hewitson
Learning Suppport Assistants

Mr D Sills
Site Supervisor

Ms J Lathwell
Mrs P Woodley
Mrs M Gray
Mrs J Yerby
Lunchtime Supervisors

About Us...

At Brushwood School we recognise that the choice of schools for your children is one of the most important decisions you make in life.
In preparing this prospectus we hope to give you an idea of the opportunities we offer your child - both academically and socially.
However, nothing can convey this as well as a visit to the school and we encourage you to make an appointment to visit our school at anytime that suits you.

What Do We Offer?

The reason that Brushwood exists is to develop the children placed in its care. To that end we offer significant scope for the academic, spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of our pupils. Importantly, we believe that these opportunities should be offered to all children from those with learning difficulties through to the gifted child.

Brushwood is pleased to be able to offer our pupils state of the art equipment across all curriculum areas, together with extensive grounds and sports facilities. Each class has a multimedia PC and there is a separate IT suite that offers Internet access that is utilised across all areas of the curriculum.

Brushwood is recognised by OFSTED as a good school and we are pleased that our national test results are above average in the core curriculum subjects. OFSTED has identified that we offer a consistently good quality of teaching and we believe this engenders an enthusiasm for learning in our pupils. (please see site below and full OFSTED Report through "Links").This enthusiasm is maintained not only through use of our own extensive resources but through the use of "local experts" and appropriate educational visits across all areas of the curriculum.

At all ages we offer children a range of extra-curricular activities and educational visits. The children produce a regular school newspaper and we have well supported sporting and musical groups. The school has established links with a school in Ethiopia and the children in the two schools frequently trade letters and drawings. The Brushwood children hold regular cake sales through the year so that they may sponsor a child at the school in Gondar, Ethiopia. Our year 5 pupils spend a week's residential visit at an educational centre in Lancashire that offers them fantastic opportunities to expand their IT and explore new outdoors activities.

Our motto is "Progress with Pride" and the progress of our school and pupils in recent years has been well recognised. However, we are not content to stand still and it is our intention to continue to develop the school and its place in our local community so that we are "the first choice school for Chesham". We are proud of our school and the achievements of our pupils. We hope to see you at Brushwood so that we may show you why.

Yours sincerely

Ray G. Plimsaul B.Ed.Hons. NPQH

What OFSTED have said...

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