Go back!             BRUSHWOOD JUNIOR SCHOOL
                                                  "Progress with Pride"

Headteacher                                                   Brushwood Junior School
Mr R G Plimsaul B.Ed. Hons. NPHQ                 Brushwood Road
Telephone 01494 786023                                 HP5 3DW
Facsimile 01494 793114
Email office@brushwood-jun.bucks.sch.uk
Website www.brushwoodjunior.ik.org

                                                                                                      6th February 2006

Dear Parents and Carers,

During the first week back after half term we are having a 'Theme Week'to focus our literacy

The aim is to provide the children with stimulating cross curricular links into writing.

On Tuesday 21st February a specialist company will be presenting science shows for years 3
and 4 together and for years 5 and 6 together followed by a workshop session for year 6 in
the afternoon. There is no charge for this. The show will focus on real science in a way that
will amaze, intrigue, fascinate and educate.

Using this stimulus as a starting point, all classes will be carrying out writing tasks. They will
be able to write letters to the performers, write reports about what they have done and seen,
interview questions, biographies of famous scientists from the period of history they are
studying, instructions for carrying out science experiments, research projects and
presentations where their non fiction writing skills are honed, critical reviews of the show and
so on.

Also during the week we will be holding one of our regular book fairs after school which we
would really encourage you to attend since the school benefits from every sale we make.

(hand signed)


Mr R G Plimsaul
